3 Renovation Mistakes To Avoid
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A good renovation can transform your life - improving your home's value and your lifestyle. The TV shows make it look so easy – one hour and you can have a whole new house! But, the reality is, renovating is never that simple. However, it doesn’t have to be as costly or time-consuming as you may think if you know what to look out for.
Here are three renovation mistakes to avoid...
Forgetting The Big Picture
When you’re planning a renovation, consider every little detail. Many people will start with a look they've seen on Pinterest or in a magazine and think only of one room. It's only once they've finished that they'll realise the house doesn't match and they'll spend even more money on redecorating and changing colour schemes in the future.
Spend the time finding a style that can flow through the house, bringing all rooms together.
When you decide on your style, plan everything from the floor to the ceiling – in a kitchen, for example, think of the wall colour, the back splash, flooring, cabinetry, tap-ware, counter tops, lighting – and how it will all tie together.
Photo by Style Curator. Splash back in Colour Wash Dark Grey by Monsta.
Taking Shortcuts
Everyone has a budget to stick to when renovating. But taking shortcuts and going for the cheaper materials will cost you MORE in the long run. They will not last as long and you’ll end up spending more money on repairs down the track.
Don’t hire the cheapest contractor either – be wary of those giving you cheap quotes and ensure they give you a thorough list of all proposed work. Watch out for the fine print in building and trade contracts – if you’re unsure of what to look out for, a Contract Review is worth having to save you getting caught out later.
Not Speaking To Professionals
You may be a top handyman (or woman) but going it alone on your renovation will be a lot harder than you think. It’s worth calling in the big guns and speaking to a renovation expert before you begin. A professional will be able help fine-tune your remodelling plans, offer helpful tips and advice, and even recommend ideas that you may not have thought of. They’re experts for a reason and they will point you in the right direction, helping you save time AND money (potentially thousands!).
Our Monsta Pro’s can help you throughout any stage of your renovation.
A great place to start is with Monsta's Sounding Board 30 session - a 30 minute Skype session with a reno expert to discuss ideas, plans, and discuss any queries.
Get in touch today for a free consultation. Call the team on 1800 66 67 82 or book online here.